Skillet Porkchops with Apricot-Mustard Sauce | Renee's Kitchen Adventures

Monday, December 6, 2010

Skillet Porkchops with Apricot-Mustard Sauce

This recipe comes from Weight Watchers in 20 Minutes cookbook, and is a quick and easy way to prepare pork chops.  The original recipe calls for 5 ounce bone-in chops, but I substituted 4 ounce boneless pork loin chops with excellent results.  The sauce is sweet and slightly spicy, and works well with the pork.  I think it would also be great on chicken breasts as well.

Skillet Pork Chops with Apricot-Mustard Sauce from Weight Watchers in 20 Minutes Cookbook

Servings - 4   (5 ounce bone-in pork chops)  Serving size - 1  (5 ounce pork bone-in chop w/ about 3 TBSP. sauce)  
Calories - 264,  Total fat - 6g,  Carb - 30g,  Protein - 21g,  Fiber - 1g

1/2 cup apricot jam
2 TBSP coarse-grained Dijon mustard
1 TBSP reduced-sodium soy sauce
2 TBSP lime juice
1 garlic clove, minced
pinch of cayenne
4 (5 ounce) thin cut bone-in pork chops ( I used 4 ounce thin cut boneless loin cut chops)
salt and pepper, to taste
1 tsp canola oil or sprays from misto

1.  Combine jam, mustard, soy sauce, lime juice garlic, and cayenne in small bowl; set aside.  

2.  Sprinkle the chops with salt and pepper,  Heat oil or sprays from misto in large heavy nonstick skillet over medium- high heat.  Add the pork chops and cook until browned, approx. 4 -5 minutes on each side.  Transfer to platter and keep warm in a 250 degree F oven.  Add the jam mixture to the skillet and bring to a boil.  Reduce the heat and simmer until the sauce thickens slightly, about three minutes.  Spoon sauce over the chops and serve. 


  1. mmm that looks delicious! :)

    Glad I'm not alone on the estimating on certain foods- especially soups that you add a whole chicken or ham bone! lol

    The new WW plan is so cool..yeah kinda feels like cheating! lol

  2. What a delicous looking recipe!!!! My bookmark list is getting REALLY long!!! Have a great day!

  3. Those chops look fantastic! I love any pork chop with a sweet/tangy sauce like that. It always pairs so well!

  4. Do you know I've never made porkchops? I don't even know if Josh likes them! This looks like a simple but tasty recipe. I will have to make it for him

  5. Hello, delicious! I need to make this!

  6. I love pork and fruit together, especially's such a wonderful combination!


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